Pets and Oral Hygiene

Pets and Oral Hygiene

Author: Veterinarian Johs. Gjelstrup

Should you brush your dog’s teeth considering that in nature the dog would never do so? Yes, actually you should. Dogs easily get tartar which can cause problems with oral hygiene. Tartar appears as brownish deposits on the dog’s teeth. If discovered early it can be removed by brushing the teeth. However, if tartar is not removed it may develop into substantial deposits and expose tooth necks. This can lead to infections in the gums and tooth root, which is both painful and causes bad breath. In these cases it is necessary to use anesthesia to have the teeth carefully cleaned and polished by a vet. Teeth that are loose due to root infections are usually pulled out.

Make the puppy accustomed to the toothbrush
As a dog owner it is wise to accustom your puppy to regular teeth brushing with either Diafarm Toothpaste with enzymes or Toothpaste Herbal Fresh. Brush the dog’s teeth with a soft toothbrush, making small circular movements without pressing too hard, and rinse the mouth with clean water.

Mouth spray strengthens oral hygiene
It is also advisable to use a mouth spray to prevent bad breath. Diafarm OraFital helps protect against tartar, improves oral hygiene and provides a fresh breath. Diafarm OraFital can also be used for cats to help prevent bad breath. Spray it directly onto the teeth and/or gums and rinse off after a couple of minutes.

Struvite stones: a frequent condition in neutered pets

Struvite stones: a frequent condition in neutered pets

Author: Veterinarian Johs. Gjelstrup

As a pet owner, you should pay attention to the regularity with which your dog or cat urinates. Failure to urinate on a regular basis might be a sign of struvite stones.

Different conditions can cause stones to form in the urinary tract in cats and dogs. These can become very problematic for your pet if they block the urinary tract. Especially in male cats the urethra is very narrow, so even small crystals can have difficulty passing through. The animal then typically has problems with urination and the condition can become extremely painful.

Struvite stones require treatment
Treatment of struvite stones requires an experienced veterinarian, as many factors can play a role in the cause and cure. The ratio between calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in the feed is very important. The magnesium content is particularly important and must not exceed 0.09%. The pH of the urine is also significant as some stones form if the urine is too alkaline, i.e. has too high a pH. In case of an infection, the urine will also often be alkaline. Acute cases of struvite stones require veterinary intervention with the surgical removal of stones in the bladder or ureters. In some cases, however, the right feed may eventually dissolve the struvite stones, even large bladder stones in dogs. In addition, it may be helpful to try to change the urine pH by giving the cat or dog additional amounts of methionine or ascorbic acid.

Change in urine pH
Diafarm UrolSyn paste for dogs and cats can be used as a supplement to the treatment of struvite stones. The paste contains methionine which can help to change the pH of the urine and thus reduce the risk of struvite stones. Diafarm UrolSyn paste for dogs and cats is a tasty paste that the animal can eat directly from the tube, or you can mix the paste into the feed. Diafarm UrolSyn is not a drug and you should always consult your veterinarian before use.

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Cat Malt – the reason why you should feed it to your cat

Cat Malt – the reason why you should feed it to your cat

Author: Veterinarian Johs. Gjelstrup

Cats are very clean animals that spend a great deal of their awake time washing themselves, ie. they lick their legs and body. By doing this, they sink a lot of hair. The hair will most often pass the gastrointestinal system without problems, but it still happens that the hair lump together and form a hairball. The problems arise when the hairball will not pass the gastrointestinal system. In nature, the cat will solve the problem by eating grass, as the grass induces vomiting and the hairball thus comes out of the system. However, many cats do not have the opportunity to eat grass when they need it, because they live in apartments in the city or because it is wintertime. Diafarm Cat Malt is a good and more hygienic alternative to grass.

How to avoid hairballs
If you want to avoid vomiting and diarrhea caused by hairballs, then feed you cat Cat Malt on a regular basis. Diafarm Cat Malt has an optimal ratio of malt and paraffin oil which cats love. Malt tastes great and promotes peristalsis, that is, the bowel movements, and paraffin oil is a well-known remedy against constipation. The paraffin oil passes undigested through the intestinal tract, thereby lubricating it so that the hairball can slide through the intestine. Thus, you do not have to fear that your cat will gain weight when feeding it cat malt.

Diafarm Cat Malt is a palatable paste, which the cat will often perceive as a treat and eat directly from the tube. You can also mix it into the feed.

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